The next instalment of my personal 100 Happy Days project:
Day 56: Shutting out the world with music on the way home from a long and busy day of London clients
Day 58: This gorgeous blossom tree in all it’s glory in the sunshine is right outside my house – it makes me smile every time I see it
Now that I’m well over half way through the project, I’ve been spending some time reflecting back over my posts from the last couple of months. As I’ve done so I’ve been interested to realise that there has been a definite positive shift in the number of happy moments I’m noticing. I’m pretty sure the moments of happiness were always there, it’s just that thanks to this project my unconscious has been primed to recognise them more.
At the beginning I sometimes struggled to find a happy moment to take a photo of – not because I was necessarily unhappy, but because I was just caught up in daily life: school runs, packed lunches, clients, food shopping, housework, wedding planning… and therefore unable to stay in the moment and register how I was feeling and be grateful for the stuff that makes me smile.
Now, at Day 60, I sometimes struggle to narrow down which happy moment from the day is the one I want to post a picture of – I usually have a selection of at least two or three to choose from!
It’s fascinating using myself as a subject in this experiment. I can’t wait to find out what else I’ll learn about myself over the next 40 days.
Watch this space…
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