Over three-quarters of the way through my personal 100 Happy Days project now! Here are the latest pictures:
Day 71: Mimi’s creativity and inventive-ness never fail to inspire me. Today she designed and built her own version of a (paper) computer – complete with screen and keyboard!
Day 77: This display in Selfridges window really made me stop and look. And the thought that ran through my head was a rather satisfying (and, if I’m 100% honest, somewhat unexpected) “Nope, I’m not one of them – I am happy with how I look”. 🙂
In my original post I mentioned that I would be conducting a bit of an experiment within this photo project.
I told you about the research that I’m involved in, which (through a couple of short questionnaires) calibrates my clients levels of anxiety, depression and general sense of wellbeing from session to session. The results (gathered over a period of time) are to be used in order to provide solid evidence to the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) that Cognitive Hypnotherapy is effective at helping people to overcome these kinds of issues.
I decided to fill in the same questionnaires that I give to my clients on days 1, 25, 50, 75 and 100 of the project, to see what a difference taking these photos has made to my levels of happiness. In theory, the anxiety and depression scores should reduce and the wellbeing score should increase.
On Day 1 of the project, my scores were as follows:
On Day 25 of the project, these were my results:
On Day 50 of the project:
And now, three quarters of the way through the project on day 75, my scores were as follows:
I think the results speak for themselves!
If any of you have been doing the project along with me, I’d love to find out how you are doing, so please feel free to leave a comment below with your thoughts and feelings about the effect it’s having on you.
Phone: +44 (0) 7794 595783
Email: chloe@openmindhypnotherapy.co.uk