I’ll be honest – this block of days for my #365happydays project has been much more tricky to post than usual. Some days it’s been hard to find the happy moment. Really hard. There have been some not-so-good days over the last couple of weeks – days where I’ve struggled to see the good bits, or the light trying to shine through the darkness, or the love pushing it’s way through the anger.
But deep down I’ve known it’s been there somewhere if I could just open my eyes and my heart wide enough to let it in.
And suddenly, there it was.
Every day.
Every day there was something I was grateful for, or awed by, or feeling good about, even if it was buried a bit in the blackness at first.
If this project has taught me anything so far it’s that there is always, ALWAYS something good in every single day. Even the really challenging, difficult ones that you want to write-off and forget about. It’s there. The magic. The goodness. The joy.
Sometimes you just have to search for it…
Day 211: My youngest daughter is so ticklish that just getting her dry after a bath ends up in a full on giggle-fest 🙂
Day 213: A rainy Saturday calls for getting messy – finally getting round to painting the rocks we collected from the beach on our holiday in Cornwall
Day 214: A Sunday afternoon trip to play at the park, which happens to be looking rather lovely at the moment
Day 217: Loving the sound of the rain on the train windows as I travelled to London to see clients (also very grateful that the rain had eased off a bit by the time I arrived!)
Day 218: I got to spend the afternoon having precious one-to-one time at school with Lola learning all about how they do Maths in Reception. Snuck a sneaky photo 🙂
Day 220: A challenging day with the girls finished on a good note – chatting and laughing together over pizza for tea
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Email: chloe@openmindhypnotherapy.co.uk