The most recent ten days of finding joy in the ordinary moments:
Day 241: Meeting my gorgeous cousin Kate’s son Sid for the first time and having lovely snuggly, squishy cuddles with him
Day 242: My hairbrush broke, so my lovely, thoughtful husband bought me a brand new hairdryer (and brush!) to cheer me up
Day 243: There is nothing more exciting than a cardboard box! So far it has been a space rocket, a racing car, an aeroplane and a moon buggy…
Day 244: A beautiful November sky noticed by Ella on our walk home from school after getting fantastic feedback for all three girls at Parent’s Evening
Day 245: Had a sneaky wander down Oxford Street in between clients today and the Christmas lights are up!
Day 246: We weren’t able to make it to a fireworks display this year, so we had a bit of fun in the back garden with some sparklers instead
Day 247: Brilliantly funny evening with my husband watching John Bishop at the NIA in Birmingham #datenight
Day 250: Lola practising writing her numbers before school and being so proud of herself when she got them all right
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