And just like that we are into December and Christmas is only two weeks away. Here are ten more days of me celebrating the little (and not so little) things that I find bring me happiness and joy. It’s there every day – you just have to know where to look for it 🙂
Day 274: The look on my littlest daughter’s face as she carefully concentrates on writing Christmas cards for her classmates at school
Day 277: My eldest daughter’s 8th birthday. Her best friend came round and gave her a necklace that said ‘Best Friends’ – one half for her and one half for my daughter. Ella was just so happy with this little gift, and so grateful for everything we did on the day to celebrate. My heart nearly exploded with love.
Day 278: Nativity Play #1. Mimi was an Owl, and she smiled the whole way through, even though she only had one line to say and was disappointed not to have been chosen as a narrator
Day 279: Nativity Play #2. Lola was a Mouse, along with one of her best school friends Gwen. She has been practising all the songs in her bedroom with the door shut, and I had no idea that she had any lines to say. So it was a complete surprise when the mice ended up being one of the main speaking parts and she remembered all her lines!
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