The next ten days of happy moments in my #365happydays project. I can’t believe we are already two thirds of the way through January!
Day 311: My girl wearing her new favourite ‘Happy’ jumper. This smile was pretty much the only one she gave all day, but even one minute of sunshine is better than none!
Day 312: My sister-in-law giving me seven months worth of back issues of my favourite magazine
Day 313: This smiley little picture drawn by my five year old Lola (who was trying to write her name in joined-up writing!) 🙂
Day 314: These gorgeously delicate tulip petals that had scattered themselves on the kitchen table
Day 315: Sunrise from the train on the way to London
Day 316: Her thumb + her Teddy + snuggling on my lap after school = happiness
Day 317: “This heart is for everyone Mummy”
Day 318: A spontaneous visit to Amerton Farm with my girls whilst their Daddy was at work led to us watching this beautiful sunset on the drive home
Day 319: A freezing cold walk along the Gruffalo Trail in Birches Valley – we only get one day a week together as a family, so we try and make the most of it (whatever the weather).
Day 320: Dramatic sky on the school run this morning