This has been a tough ten days for many reasons, some of which I’m not ready to talk about yet. Actively seeking out moments of happiness in the midst of it all has been the thing that’s kept me going when I’ve wanted to hide under the duvet and give up. Here are the things that have touched my heart over the last week and a half:
Day 322: All sorts of drama on the train to London this morning, so I opted to immerse myself in this book, and spent the whole journey giggling to myself
Day 323: On the saddest of days I found this sign taped to the stair bannisters after the girls played a game of ‘Schools’ together. It reads “Our school rules: Quiet when somebody is talking; no running; put litter in the bin; no drawing on faces(!); no fighting; no drawing on tables; behave”. Proof that even in the midst of darkness, there is always, ALWAYS a tiny bit of light.
Day 324: Mimi being super-excited to be going to an after-school birthday party (without me staying with her)
Day 329: After a long and full-on day with clients in London, I got home late and flopped on the sofa to catch up on the days news with my husband. Minutes later Mimi came into the lounge in a panic because she couldn’t breathe from a bunged-up nose. This cuddle with her was the best part of my day, hands down.
Day 330: Introducing my youngest daughter: officially the most ticklish person on the planet. Getting her dry after a bath is virtually impossible
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