The latest instalment of my #365happydays project.
This has been the most difficult one yet. In the evening of day 338 I got a phone call and just a few short hours later, in the early hours on Day 339 my world collapsed and I spiralled into complete shock and total devastation. In all honesty I’m still there and I have no idea how long it will be again before I emerge. The only thing (apart from my girls and my husband) that is keeping me going is this project. Searching for that little moment of happiness is quickly becoming the focus of my day. Finding it means I’ve done more than just survive.
Day 331: An inset day for the girls today, and we woke to grey skies, a cold wind and a sprinkling of snow on the ground so we decided to stay in and have a much-needed lazy day. These rainbow tulips helped to brighten us up a bit.
Day 334: Lola took herself off with her whiteboard and pen and practised her writing. She was so proud when she wrote ‘zip’, ‘cat’, ‘dog’ and ‘sap’ all by herself 🙂
Day 336: I had to come home from Harley Street early today as I’m not very well. Coming home to these gorgeous faces was the best feeling ever.
Day 338: Sending some love out into the world today to some very special people. Hoping that it gives them a little bit of a lift.
Day 339: The sunset on the saddest day of my life. Proof that even on the darkest day, there is always ALWAYS a tiny bit of light.
Phone: +44 (0) 7794 595783
Dearest Chloe, I always love reading your blogs and enjoy your perspective on life. I’m not sure what’s happened but sending you love, courage and strength. Judiexx