Half term and the lead up to my Dad’s funeral form the foundations of this #365happydays post. I have had such contrasting emotions over the last ten days – I thought I would have to dig really deep to find the happy moments. Some were a little harder to find than others and some appeared right at the last moment, surprising me in their beauty.
Day 351: This look of glee on my youngest daughter’s face as she rushed to gather ammunition when I announced that we would be having a sock fight in exactly 10 seconds time. Blurry photo because she was so excited she couldn’t keep still!
Day 352: These two (aged 8 and 6 & a half) looking like teenagers with their hoods up. At least they’re reading books rather than glued to a screen!
Day 353: I love the bond they all have together, the way they laugh together and the amount of love that fills my house with these four in it. This might be one of my most favourite photos ever.
Day 354: It was the greyest and wettest of days today. Head down, feet soaked through, sloshing my way home… and then I spotted this lonely little heart-shaped leaf drowning in a puddle. What else could I do but rescue it? It’s now pinned to the noticeboard in the kitchen as a reminder to choose love at all times, no matter how much hate is being sent in my direction.
Day 355: The curls at the back of her neck when her hair is up in a topknot are something I always, always want to remember
Day 356: Mimi trying to make sense of what’s happened. ‘WALT’ is an acronym from school – it stands for ‘We Are Learning Today’. “Inporntent (important) things. Grandpar (Grandpa) did (died) a couple of wekks (weeks) ago and we are very sad and we miss him really bad”.
Day 357: Today would have been my Dad’s 64th birthday. I bought these birthday cards for him from the girls and I before he died. We wrote them anyway – special messages of love and sadness.
Day 359: It was my Dad’s funeral today. There was very little to be happy about as I said goodbye to him. However, on the way home there was the most spectacular sunset (this picture doesn’t do it justice as it was taken on my phone out of the window of a moving car). I’m pretty sure Dad orchestrated it to let me know that he’s ok.
Day 360: I couldn’t bear to leave all the flowers that people had sent for Dad at the crematorium, so I brought a selection home. Nine or ten vases/jugs/jam-jars and an hour and a half of work later, here they all are. My house is now full of the most beautiful blooms and I feel that Dad is still sort-of here.
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Email: chloe@openmindhypnotherapy.co.uk