Something I’ve noticed through working with a variety of different clients is that they are very aware of the situation they are currently in – I’ll often hear things like “I’m stressed”, or “I’m feeling really down”, or “I get really scared when…”. They are also usually pretty aware of where they want to be instead, eg: calmer, happier, more confident etc… What people tend to struggle with is how to get from one to the other.
I find the following little tip really helpful, and use it myself on an almost-daily basis. Many clients have also reported that it can be the difference that makes the difference, helping them get from one moment to the next. All you have to do is finish the following sentence:
“Just for today, I will ________________”
Mine is normally something like: “Just for today I will remain calm”, which, with three under 5′s running around is not an easy task! And yet somehow, just be repeating this phrase to myself throughout the day, it works. Other suggestions could be: Just for today I will …think positive thoughts; …eat healthy foods; …be kind to myself; …remember all the good things I have achieved in my life so far; …give praise to someone who deserves it …the list is endless really.
So why not give it a try? Use your imagination and come up with an idea that is relevant to you. You might be pleasantly surprised at how effective you could find it.
Let me know how you get on by leaving a comment below – I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Phone: +44 (0) 7794 595783