Family time, my birthday and the importance of everyday moments all play a part in this latest edition of #projecthappy.
Day 421: I didn’t get back from London last night until way after the girls were fast asleep in bed. This morning Ella was super-excited to show me that she’d lost her tooth at school yesterday
Day 422: Everyone needs a little bit of encouragement from time to time, even mummies. Got given this little love-note today and it made my whole day better 🙂
Day 425: Bank Holiday Monday, so the girls and I went adventuring and exploring through the bluebell woods today
Day 426: Some beautiful freesias to brighten up a dull and rainy start to the day. I love how pretty and delicate they are.
Day 427: Ella’s class held an assembly at school today about earthquakes and volcanoes. I came home early from London so I could be there to watch it. Ella played the part of a new reporter and I am so proud of her. She’s going to go far.
Day 428: Three months since my Dad died, so it’s been a tough day. Spent an hour and a half chat with this one tonight, way after her bedtime, talking about all the things she has on her mind – everything from learning her eight times tables, to friendship struggles, to wishing her Daddy could be at home more instead of at work. Lots of tears and cuddles later and she finally felt a bit better. Motherhood is tough – helping our little people navigate the world is no small thing. I’m so thankful that she feels able to talk to me about these things – hopefully she’ll feel able to talk to me about bigger things too as and when they arise.
Day 429: My birthday! I got thoroughly spoilt with a shopping trip, a chocolate cake with sparklers, lovely cards and presents and the chance to see Derren Brown! Eek!
Day 430: This man, my husband, who has taken the whole weekend off work to celebrate my birthday with me 🙂
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