Somehow we are suddenly at the end of May. I have no idea how that happened. There are just seven weeks left at school and then it’s the summer holidays (yay!).
We’ve not really done very much over this half term break apart from celebrating Mimi’s birthday at the weekend, and the slower days have been very much needed after a hectic few weeks at work and an ongoing virus making it’s way steadily through the family. If anything, slowing down instead of cramming our days full of activities and day trips has made me appreciate the little things even more.
Here are my joyful moments from the last ten days:
Day 441: Pretty skies on my way home from the train station after a long day in London. Loving the lighter evenings 🙂
Day 442: Ella got chosen to represent the school with 3 other pupils in a mini tennis tournament. She was so proud of herself for taking part and enjoying it that she didn’t even know the final results!
Day 444: A Saturday morning trip to the library = a Saturday afternoon spent snuggled up in bed together reading books 🙂
Day 447: Writing thank you letters. She struggles with writing sometimes, and to see her doing her very neatest writing and thinking carefully about the words she wanted to say really touched my heart
Day 448: Finally got round to reading this on my journey to London this morning. Currently halfway through. Mind blown. Wow.
Day 449: This happy, smiley elephant (called Edmund, apparently) currently resides on my fridge and I smile every time I look at it 🙂
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