The final weekend of half term was lovely, because Sophie came to stay. My girls absolutely adore their big sister and the house is always full of giggles when she’s here.
Then suddenly June arrived and Spring turned into Summer and it was time to go back to school and work. We’re counting down the days until the summer holidays so we can have some more quality time together, and we also have plenty of fun things planned over the next seven weeks. I’m exceptionally busy with clients and supervision as well, so it’s going to be even more important to slow down and notice the little moments that can so easily be missed when we’re dashing from place to place.
Here are my moments of happiness from the last ten days:
Day 451: Despite my husband really not feeling very well, the six of us (me, my husband, our girls and Sophie) went out for dinner to Pizza Express for Mimi’s birthday. Having all of us together was wonderful, and the love all four girls have for their Daddy, and he for them, makes me feel so very happy.
Day 453: I bought this book months ago and finally got around to trying out one of the recipes today – flapjack (my favourite!)
Day 454: Ella and Mimi have written a short story each for a competition they are entering: ‘The Missing Party Hat’ by Ella and ‘The Out Of Order Numbers’ by Mimi. Keeping our fingers crossed!
Day 455: A beautiful summer sunset walking home through the park from the station after being in London all day
Day 456: Today’s treasured findings, carefully and beautifully presented to me when we got home from school. Mimi was particularly pleased to have discovered a giant daisy!
Day 458: I got to spend the day with these two gorgeous women – Rachel Moore and Kirsty Hanly – both colleagues and friends of mine. They ran an intensive coaching workshop that encouraged vulnerability and connection. A great day surrounded by lovely people 🙂
Day 459: None of my girls can swim. Ella has been going with school, but this was her first proper private lesson. Seeing her so much more confident in the water than she was six months ago was wonderful.
Day 460: This one was very tired today after a busy weekend, so she kept giving me cuddles whenever she could 🙂
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