Another busy ten days that seem to have flown by. We’re now counting down the days until the summer holidays (3 weeks left of school, then seven whole weeks of fun with my girls – yay!) and have plenty of plans for exciting things to do over the coming months.
Time as a family is becoming more and more important to us. Recently my husband and I have been having lots of conversations about our values and priorities (for ourselves, as a couple and as a whole family unit) and our ideas for where we want to go next. Slowly we are working on creating the life that we actually want (which is basically an even better version of the one we already have). We’ve made a lot of changes over the last couple of years and things finally feel like they are moving in the right direction thanks to all the hard work we’ve put in. It feels good, and right, which after months and months of indecision and to-ing and fro-ing, is a bit of a relief!
Anyway, here are the last ten days of happy moments:
Day 471: Mimi got the Class Award this week! After months of feeling despondent because she hadn’t received it, even though she’s been trying really hard at school, she honestly believed that she would never get it because “I’m rubbish at EVERYTHING Mummy!”. We had torrents of tears about it just this morning. And then she came out of school this afternoon clutching the trophy and her certificate and I could have cried with happiness for her! She was so proud of herself 🙂
Day 472: Spent the afternoon with a friend I haven’t seen for a while, catching up on each other’s news. She also has a new kitten! I’m not normally one to post cat pictures, but this little dude was too cute not to include 🙂
Day 473: Father’s Day. A tough day for me as it’s the first one without Dad, but seeing the little messages each of the girls wrote in their Daddy’s card made it easier
Day 474: Ella with her home-made Roman sword and shield for a school project. I only helped her with a couple of bits (double-sided tape can be really tricky for little fingers!) and she’s really proud of all her hard work.
Day 475: This one and her sister have just started swimming lessons. Their teacher told us to get some goggles so they can practice putting their faces in the water and blowing bubbles in the bath. Bath-times just instantly became much more fun!
Day 476: A gap in London clients today meant I got to have a rare lunchtime coffee date with my beautiful Mum! 🙂
Day 477: Sports Day. Ella didn’t participate last year – she flat out refused. This year she has been super-excited about it for weeks, and actually won two of her races! All three girls tried their best, cheered on their teammates and really enjoyed themselves.
Day 478: We celebrated our friends’ 10th wedding anniversary at a party tonight – it was lots of fun! 🙂
Day 479: Shugborough Country Show. A glorious day in the sunshine. We watched a sheep dancing show and ate ice creams. This is Mimi wearing my sunglasses, looking way cooler in them than I do.
Day 480: My husband and I took the girls to see the Minions Movie at the cinema. Of course, Stuart had to accompany us 🙂
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[…] on the whole I’m able to see the joyful moments in our everyday ordinary (see any one of my #projecthappy posts for evidence of this) and I’m starting to be able to plan for the future a bit instead of […]