This #projecthappy post marks five hundred days of happy moments! *little celebratory dance*
I had no idea when I first started this that I would be able to continue it this far. It’s taken commitment and perseverence – both in actally picking up my camera to shoot every single day and also in being dedicated to seek out the everyday ordinary moments that are filled with joy.
It seems quite fitting that the 500th day of this project is the very first day of the summer holidays. As always, it’s going to be a balance between fun time with the girls and working – but this year I’m determined to use the time we have together as a family to fill ourselves up with what we need.
We have loads of things planned to do over the summer that we are all really looking forward to. I’ve also made sure that I’ve left plenty of unstructured days where we can just wake up and see what unfolds (because sometimes that’s where the magical moments happen – when you least expect them to).
Here is what has filled me up over the last ten days:
Day 492: Me and my littlest girl, our feet up on the coffee table, her reading her school book to me, the other two girls flopped on the sofa next to us = perfection
Day 493: The girls and I headed to Shugborough today for their annual Great British Food and Drink Festival. We had a really lovely afternoon together 🙂
Day 494: Today’s outing was to the annual Teddy Bear’s Picnic at Izaak Walton’s Cottage. I joined the girls and got my face painted (you only live once, right?) and we popped into The Mill at Worston on the way home – the first time we’ve been back since we got married there over a year ago
Day 499: The last day of term! It is officially the summer holidays! Woohoo! Ella brought home the Wise Owl trophy for ‘exceptional effort and consistently producing excellent work’
Day 500: Occasionally I get offered the opportunity to be the second shooter at a wedding, alongside the photographer who captured my wedding over a year ago. This is one of my shots from today of him being a daredevil – there’s nothing he won’t do to get a great image. (There is also a cheeky bum squeeze from one of the guests in the foreground, which made me smile) 😉
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