This keeps popping up on my screensaver at the moment.
With perfect timing actually, as I have several projects in the pipeline that I should be doing lots of work towards that I’m putting off doing, and I’m not quite sure why.
These combined projects could potentially raise my profile and increase my income in quite a significant way, and yet I cannot seem to bring myself to sit down and write what I need to write and plan what I need to plan.
What’s that about?
The quote above reminded me of a ‘rule’ that I use with my coaching clients:
Reasons are also known as excuses.
If there is a goal that you want to achieve, then at the deadline you have set yourself you will either have a result (ie: you’ve achieved your goal/target/what you set out to achieve), or you will have a list of reasons as to why you haven’t achieved it (excuses).
The moral of the story?
If there is something that you want to do, the only way it’s going to get done is if you put in the work. Stop justifying your reasons why you haven’t done it, stop making excuses, stop telling yourself a feeling-sorry-for-yourself story about not having enough time, or being too tired, or not being in the mood.
Just sit down, and do it.
Phone: +44 (0) 7794 595783