I’ve recently been enjoying reading an awesome book – ‘Carry On Warrior: The power of embracing your messy, beautiful life’ by Glennon Doyle Melton. I’ve laughed, cried, nodded many times in agreement and made a note of all the bits I want to go back and read over again because I felt them deeply in my heart and they made me think really hard about a lot of things. I realise that’s pretty vague, but honestly – it’s one of those books you need to read for yourself to understand what I mean.
There are lots of references to God in the book, which, if you believe in God will fit right in with your ethos. I don’t believe in God, so I substituted the word ‘God’ for ‘Universe’ instead. It worked for me 🙂
One passage in particular really stood out for me, and so I wanted to share it with all of you…
“I think God (the universe) gives us each a gift or two so that we have something special to offer to others. But sometimes we make the mistake of assuming that the things we’re good at are common to everyone. We don’t recognise that our gifts are unique and therefore worth offering… I think we sometimes get confused and believe that our gift must bring us money or success or fame. Sometimes those things do happen, but not usually. The only thing a gift needs to do is bring you joy. You must find the thing that brings you joy in the doing of that thing, and not worry about the outcome. Your gift might be crucial and obviously helpful, like being a good listener, or it might be odd and unique… But really the important thing is that it makes you feel alive. Its a gift. It brings you joy and satisfaction. Happier people make a better world… You will know your gift because it will bring you joy and satisfaction even if it’s hard for you to do.”
What’s your gift? What do you do that brings you joy or satisfaction? What makes you feel alive?
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Email: chloe@openmindhypnotherapy.co.uk