A busy ten days! The girls went back to school, I went back to seeing clients and supervisees and I got to grips with a new camera kindly lent to me by a photographer friend of mine after I left my camera at my office in London. Despite the challenges of immense tiredness, complex-but-rewarding client sessions and a new camera to get my head around, it’s been a good week and a half with some really lovely joyful moments. Those moments are there if you look for them 🙂
Day 411: Lola came home from her first day back at school super-excited to start writing a list of all the friends she would like to invite to her birthday party. Her birthday is in January! You’ve got to admire that kind of forward planning. Plus, she was so determined to spell all the names all by herself 🙂
Day 413: This morning’s sunrise offering on my way to the train station at 5.25am. It makes getting up at that early worth it.
Day 414: We go to the dentist twice a year and have done ever since the girls first got their teeth as babies. I want them to be comfortable being at the dentist and looking after their teeth instead of scared of it like a lot of people are. My three little troopers were fab today during their scrape-and-polish time in the chair
Day 415: Ella was given the Class Award this week and received a certificate and trophy for her literacy work
Day 418: Every day at tea-time I ask the girls questions about their day in the hope of encouraging an answer beyond “Can’t remember”, “I don’t know” and “Nothing”. Today’s question was “What has been the best thing about your day today?”. Ella and Lola pondered for a few minutes, but Mimi instantly answered “Coming home to you!”. Little moments of love like this are truly the happiest I’ve come across throughout this project
Day 419: I love blossom and we pass this gorgeous tree on our way to and from school every day. It was looking particularly pretty today 🙂
Day 420: After a 4.15am start to the day, which was full of awesome client sessions in London, I headed to the rather gorgeous Somerset House to have a wander round the Sony World Photography Awards.
Phone: +44 (0) 7794 595783
Email: chloe@openmindhypnotherapy.co.uk