The last ten days seem to have gone super-quickly – I can’t believe that we’re over half way through June already! We celebrated our one-year wedding anniversary at the weekend and it was wonderful to have a bit of a breather and time just being ‘us’ in between the manic busy-ness of work and school and the girls.
We’re all looking forward to the summer holidays as we have loads of fun things planned over the next few months. And at the same time I’m using this project to make sure we notice the beauty of the here & now and don’t wish our time away by always looking forwards to the next thing on our list.
Here are some of my happy moments from the last week and a half:
Day 461: My girls are always covered in scrapes, bruises and grazes. This one was particularly nasty after falling over in the playground this morning – she needed lots of cuddles. Of course I’m not happy that she got hurt – I just like that the picture sums up childhood!
Day 463: Started the day off with a dance-off in the kitchen with the girls to this song at breakfast, and then had a super-productive day – I ticked everything off my to-do list AND filed my tax return!
Day 464: I painted my toenails! (It happens approximately twice a year – at most – so this was a momentous occasion). My favourite colour too 🙂
Day 465: As a wedding present, my best friend and her husband came and looked after the girls for us so we could have a child-free 24 hours/overnight away. We headed for Stratford Upon Avon and our first stop was to explore the Butterfly Park. So beautiful!
Day 466: Our one year wedding anniversary! A rubbish blurry selfie, but the only photo we got of the two of us. On our way out of the hotel to explore Stratford Upon Avon and all it’s Shakespeare-related wonderfulness
Day 467: This one suddenly decided on the spur of the moment that she wanted to write a letter to her Nana 🙂
Day 469: In the absence of pretty skies on my way home through the park after a day of clients in London, I turned my attention to the rose garden instead. This beauty caught my eye!
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